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Have you ever considered becoming an Altar Server?
Serving at Mass is a great honor and an important part of the Liturgy. As a server, you assist the priest in celebrating the Eucharist. As an Altar Server, you're not only serving God but your family and the community.
This invitation is open to students in 4th thru 12th Grade!
What does an altar server do?
• Assists the priest (and Deacon) at Mass.
• Prepares the altar.
• Lights the altar candles.
• Handles special items that are used at Mass.
Why be an altar server?
• You’ll make a difference by performing an important ministry.
• You will become a leader in our parish.
• You will learn more about the Mass and deepen your relationship with God.
Two Holy Martyrs Parish
Altar Server Manual
Altar Server Mass Sign-Up
Please use this link to sign up to serve at an upcoming Mass. Only two servers per Mass are needed. Funeral/weddings/quinceañera Masses will be scheduled separately.
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