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Mass Schedule
Daily Mass is celebrated Monday thru Saturday between
St. Symphorosa Church and St. René Goupil Church on alternating months.
Mass Times
St. Symphorosa
6135 S. Austin Ave.
Weekend Mass
9 AM
12 PM
Weekday Mass
Monday - Saturday | 8 AM at alternating church sites in the following months:
Feb. | Apr. | June | Aug. | Oct. | Dec.
Tuesdays | 6 PM to 7 PM
St. René Goupil
6949 W. 63rd Place
Weekend Mass
Saturday Vigil
4 PM
7:30 AM
10:30 AM
Weekday Mass
Monday - Saturday | 8 AM at alternating church sites in the following months:
Jan. | Mar. | May | July | Sept. | Nov.
Saturdays | 3 PM to 3:45 PM
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